Table of Contents

Introduction: How to establish the educational values of time?

Part 1: The study of time in educational sciences

1. The study of time and its epistemological challenges

2. Theorizing educational temporalities

3. The functions and meanings of temporal constraints in education

Part 2: The evolution of temporal constraints and the rhythms of education

4. The evolution of temporal discipline in education, from antiquity to the Early Modern period

5. Temporal efficiency and rhythmic harmony, two competing educational ideals at the turn of the 20th century

6. The raise of temporal double binds in formal education throughout the second half of the 20th century

7. The rhythms of lifelong learning, between continuity and discontinuity

Part 3: Theorizing the rhythms of emancipation in education

8. The meanings of emancipation within a context of temporal alienation

9. Toward a rhythmic theory of emancipation in education

10. Facilitating emancipatory education, from critical pedagogy to rhythmanalysis

11. The moment of emancipation and the rhythmic patterns of transgression

12. The emergence of a rhythmological critique and the moment of theory in education


About the book
